Friday, January 9, 2009

Perfect Pantry

It's been a goal of mine for a long time to organize my pantry. I mean really organize it. I'm a bit of an organizing freak...and pantries have been a particular obsession of mine for awhile now. Okay, so maybe it doesn't say much about me that when I have some time to spare I google "perfect pantry", and "organized pantry" and oooh and aaah over the results. Perhaps it's downright pathetic to spend over an hour in the Container Store evaluating and selecting just the right containers for my own pantry. But, that's me. It hit me after Christmas that I wanted to completely organize my house...again. So I've been contenting myself with going through cupboards and drawers purging and organizing the heck out of every last material posession. But I must admit there was special satisfaction when it came time to do the pantry. Oh...should the diced tomatoes go with canned goods or with tomato products? Should the kosher salt go with spices or with seasonings? How many varieties of dried beans must one possess before one could be considered obsessed with the little legumes? Anyway, it was bliss. I spent the day purging, containerizing, labeling, and enjoyed every moment of it.
I'm very happy with the results. I swear I can hear the Hallalujah Chorus every time I open those pantry doors! Most importantly, my new, organized pantry will help me stick to my diet goals since I got rid of the bad stuff and now I can easily locate the healthy stuff. And let's face just looks would do Martha or Ina Garten proud. Now on to my bedroom closet!

1 comment:

Mih said...

Hi Sherri,

My name is Michelle, and I stumbled on your blog quite by accident. You have some really great recipes included here.
Thanks for taking the time to provide them and for documenting your experience so that the rest of us can learn from it!

